Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays and hopefully a great new year!

I made it through Christmas yay!! Some women were talking on The Bump about dreading Christmas and I thought it was strange, well that was until Christmas day. No one was rude or anything it was just sad that I was going through another Christmas with out a baby. My SIL is pregnant again and that was fine, it's just sad and frustrating to be at this place again.

I have been on Lupron for about 2 weeks now and I had a baseline ultrasound yesterday. The nurse found about 5 follies on my right side and probably 4 on my left! I was a little freaked out that I have only been on Lupron and I produced multiple follies. They were a little worried because the biggest was almost 8mm so they sent me for an estridal blood draw. Of course this was near the end of the day so I didnt know what to think. I ended up caving and calling my nurse when I didn't hear anything by 10:30. It was 33!! That means I am good to go to start my stims on Saturday EKK!!!

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