Saturday, October 27, 2012

Starting Stims and other good news.

Tonight is the night I have been waiting for for about 2 weeks now. I start my stimming medication! This means things are going to start moving fast now (hopefully) I will be taking 75U of Menopur and 150U of Gonal-F. It has really been a mess getting to this point. I got all my syringes, progesterone and suppressants from one pharmacy, they wouldn't approve my Menopur or what was supposed to be Follistim from the same pharmacy. So a week and a half ago Freedom Pharmacy my new pharmacy called, they would not send my medication till this Thursday causing me to not get them meds until the day before I needed them, they also said they HAD to be signed for. My last pharmacy gave me the option of having it signed for our not. Nope Freedom said someone had to our they wouldn't leave it. I freaked out, I couldn't take the time off because I will be taking off at least 3 days in the next 2 weeks for monitoring appointments. So I was having it sent to my MIL so she would be there. MIL had an appointment that morning so I didn't want her to have to cancel it so I had it sent to my SIL instead because she stays home during the day. So I thought we were all set. Wrong.

I got a call from my nurse at 3:30 pm on the day the meds were supposed to be sent. the insurance decided they want me to take Gonal-F pen instead of the Follistim pen. I have never looked at this and was familiar and comfortable with the Follistim, but if I wanted my meds in time for this cycle I would have to go with the Gonal-F so I said fine I would do some reading up on it and looking at the injection info on Freedom's website. I hadn't gotten an email by 5:30 to say if it had been sent out yet so I called the pharmacy myself. They were still getting it together and haven't even sent it out!!! I was pissed so I asked him if I would even get it Friday or if it wouldn't even be in till Saturday, the day I needed it? He said it was still possible to get it Friday and to just look for the confirmation email. I said that didn't f#cking help me, and hung up on him.

I got a call back from the pharmacy a half an hour later to tell me they sent it out and oh yea the co-payment was $128!! I know that is small considering we have coverage but with co-payment we have paid $200 dollars and I didn't expect them to be that much. Thankfully everything got here yesterday and I feel pretty comfortable giving my shot tonight at 9 pm!!

Also I got the Cheerleading Coach position!!! I went in for my interview and told they wouldn't know till the next week, but the assistant Principal was so impressed they called the next day.  I have lots of certifications to do today so that is what I will be doing all weekend.

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