Thursday, October 11, 2012

1st day of our IVF cycle

Took my first Lupron shot today!! It’s like surreal, I can’t believe we are finally gearing up for our IVF and this is really happening! I got everything ready and was set to go and all of the sudden I chickened out. Jon wasn’t home so he couldn’t help me; I was all on my own. I ended up putting the Med back in the vial and started over. When I finally poked myself I was actually kind of embarrassed because I couldn’t even feel the needle go in.  I got a horrible burning and swelling from the HCG shot when I did my IUI in May so I was a little worried how this would be. I couldn’t even see where I put the needle in! I did have some redness and a very little burning, but nothing like the HCG. I also had minimal side effects just a small headache and I am feeling some mild hot flashes now.  1 day down and about 26 more to go for injections!

                I also have been thinking about how I want to tell family that we are pregnant. I haven’t really let myself daydream like this before because it was too painful. Now that I feel we actually have a chance of getting pregnant I have been thinking about it a lot. I thought we would do like a photo album and say something like “guess what? We’re pregnant!” but I don’t see that happening.  My mother in law now knows, my mom knows we are starting soon and my sister in law now knows so I don’t think we will be able to get away with not telling them right off. The women who do know I am happy knows because they will be my support system. They are the 3 women I am closes too, well and my sisters, I just haven’t had a chance to tell them yet.  My father in law also knows, but that’s because he is Jon’s boss, he needs to know for appointment reasons.

                So now the family does know and I really hope there isn’t a disappointing ending to our story.

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