Monday, July 15, 2013


Saturday we put back in 2 grade B embryos. One 4 cell and one 6 cell. Both have some fragmentation issues. I am trying to be optimistic because the embryos are better then last time, but again, can't keep out the negative thoughts. The hot weather has not been agreeing with me either so I feel sick and dehydrated. I think I will be testing out my trigger tomorrow and testing for pregnancy starting Saturday. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

This cycle!

IVF # 3 is well under way and the DR says everything looks great! Exactly where she wants us to be! I have. 15  antral follicles which are basically beginner follicles. I have read if you have 15-20 you have a better chance of the IVF working. I am on day 4 of stims and feeling a little dull bloating. I head to te big hospital tomorrow for blood work then back up Friday for ultrasound and blood work. I'll have a better idea of when ER will be next week at this appointment. Can't wait!